
0 products


Quick Guide: Add item to cart, Show Cart and Show Cart, Adjust qty, Add/Edit Billing and/or Shipping details and save, Select Payment and Shipping options, Confirm purchase

You can Checkout as Guest, or Register to save your login details for future use.

Avoid complications

Try to use the same device (laptop or cellphone) for Registration, email verification and online shopping  

Use the latest browser version, or use a different browser; eg. if Chrome doesn't work, use Edge or Firefox.

Add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your Contacts to get our email to your Inbox



There are 6500+ registered customers, and there are new registrations daily.

To help us serve you quickly and accurately, follow these guidelines:

At the top right of any page, click: Register.

  1. Complete ALL required * fields.
  2. Confirm you're not a robot via Captcha, then Save with Register. Any messages/errors will be displayed in brown at the top of the refreshed page. 
  3. Find the email from Shop-n-Scrap - click the link only once to activate your account. If you get error messages, Ignore them. Login using a new internet browser page.
  4. No email in your inbox? Check your junkmail or spam folder, and ensure you are not using email re-directing.

If you need personal help with the above, call 081 487 0763 when you are in front of your computer.

If your desired username or email is already in use: you will be notified via an error message at the top of the refreshed page. Simply use another username or add numbers after your desired username  


Login manually by entering your username/password. Do not assume your computer has auto-remembered your login details.

Forgot username/password? Click Login, forgot password, complete your email, click on the link in the email, let your computer open a new browser window (the code will automatically appear), type in your username, and continue to select a new password. We notice more that customers are using an incorrect username...

Ensure you're only logged in once and working on one webpage at a time.


To order

Add at least one item in your cart, click Show Cart; and again, click Show Cart (at the top left corner of the pink Cart box).

Step 1: Ensure your BILLING address is correct. Only add/edit Shipping address if you need your order to be shipped to another address.

Step 2: Select your shipping option - allow the page to refresh. 

Step 3: Select your payment option - allow the page to refresh. 

Step 4: Check the box to confirm you agree to the terms of service, and finally CONFIRM PURCHASE. 

You will see a message: Thank you for your order! and at the same time we will both automatically receive an email of your order.


Previous orders

To view previous orders, find your email with Confirmed or Shipped order.

Click on the link view your order online

Login with your username / password

Click on the link List orders


To find products / items

In the Search box, start typing unique word(s) of the product eg glitter silver. Without pressing Enter, a list will show 20 results. If you press Enter, all the items with glitter or silver will be displayed.

If you know the manufacturer/brand/supplier, click on Brands, and click the manufacturer/brand/supplier to show all items of that Brand.

If you know the Type of item you need, click on Type and select from the Categories (with pictures in the centre of the window), or select from the alphabetical list on the right side of the window.


Updating your details

Login to your account, and Add ANY item to your Cart

Show Cart until you see Add/edit Billing; Change your details and save

Do the same for Add/edit Shipping if required, and save


We cannot update past orders/invoices for you.



  081 487 0763


Collect in Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria (only with an online order number)

bidorbuy.jpg   We also sell on BidorBuy


Shop-n-Scrap is a small online business based in Pretoria. Started in 2004, our focus is still on keeping costs low, supporting local where possible, and importing cost-effectively to your requirements. It is our pleasure to serve you.

We will value your feedback here



 081 487 0763 

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